Newsletter Subscription Application

This is a newsletter subscription application that collects and stores user's email, first and last name. Collected data is added to a mailing list, and is managed my MailChimp's services.

The front-end of the application is structured with HTML5 and styled with CSS3/Bootstrap, while the back-end is done with Node.js along with Express.js frameworks. To utilize MailChimp's services, the back-end is connected to MailChimp's API to request for its services.

The main page consists of three input fields to allow the user to provide their data; one "Sign Me Up" button to allow submittion of user's data; and a "Unsubscribe" button that allow subscribed members to unsubscribe.

Newsletter Signup Page

After users provide their data through the input fields, and click the "Sign Me Up" button. Feedback is provided to the user. A successful feedback would be like this:

Successfully subscribed

While an unsuccessful feedback would look like this:

Fail to subscribe

A "Try Again" button is provided for the user to have easy access back to the main page for another try.

When the "Unsubscribe" button is clicks, the user is lead to a page where they can provide the email that they would like to be unsubscribed from the from the mailing list.

Similiar to subscribing, unsubscribing also provides feedback to the user:

In the case of an unsuccessful unsubscribing process, for example, providing a non-existing or mispelt email, will result in the following feedback message:

Fail to unsubscribe

Click the link to try it out: